The Future of Work

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Webinars

Key topics covered in this session on the Future of Work:

The introduction of new technologies coupled with shifting trends in society have led many to project that the future of work will involve tens of millions of jobs being redefined or disappearing entirely. COVID-19 has only accelerated us toward that future. What will these jobs looks like and what role does higher education play in educating and reskilling the current and future workforce? What does this mean for educators and employers?

  • Are reports of job displacement with the coming AI revolution overblown?
  • From the corporate perspective: how are we adapting to the future of work? Is this a pressing topic among leadership?
  • From the university perspective: what role does Higher Education have to play in preparing people for this future?
  • How can employers and universities work together on this?

This webinar was hosted by LX Consortium, a joint effort between several schools, employers and EduSourced revolving around experiential learning. More info here.

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