2024 is around the corner and to celebrate, we are recapping key product updates from EduSourced this past year. We continue to invest in providing schools the best possible Experiential Learning and Capstone management platform and have a lot more planned for 2024. Stay tuned!
All New Project Creation and Sponsor Management
Project creation: Our new project creation feature is sleek, easy to use and mobile friendly. It even works well if you are creating many projects back-to-back. Click Plus Project in your menu bar to use this new feature.
Brand new Project intake form works great on mobile or desktop and is more customizable than ever
Project sponsor roles are also more flexible than ever: you can use custom role labels and descriptions that is tailored to how involved (or not involved) you want the client contact to be.
Enhancements to TeamBuilder, Project Health and our Spending feature
TeamBuilder: 2023 saw the release of TeamBuilder and a ton of enhancements to our version 1 of this feature. We are not done yet and have a lot more planned with this feature for next year, but we made a lot of progress this year to bring you an easy to use but powerful tool for matching students into teams!

Surveys: since launching our peer review feature in 2018, we have learned a lot about surveys and this year we leveraged our expertise to launch a new company and product, Feedback Loop, a standalone 360 peer survey product. But we are not done improving surveys in EduSourced: in addition to being able to schedule surveys in advance, you can now pre-schedule due dates and results release dates for a completely automated project survey set. The sent survey management view is now available to Instructor users (click the wrench icon on Surveys dashboard to review results and completion, manage reminders, etc.).
Project Health was updated to provide more actionable insights for instructors and program leadership including a new set of notifications for summarizing changes and immediate notifications for important project health updates.
Project Spending and Budgeting has been updated with an improved dashboard, for better insights across all your projects’ budgets, and improved notifications so key users can stay on top of their projects effortlessly.