Capstone Design Conference 2024: Join Us!

by | Apr 23, 2024 | Written Posts

Capstone Design Conference
Capstone Design Conference 2024, hosted at University of Tennessee Knoxville

This is the third time EduSoured has sponsored the Capstone Design Conference, a bi-annual engineering education conference (and ongoing community!). We love this event because of its blunt honesty in sharing what is working and what is not in capstone that year. 2024 looks to be no different with a panel discussion labled “Nifty Ideas and Suprising Flops” to give you an idea of how forthcoming the conversations get.

Some of the many additional topics to be explored at this event:

  • Evaluating and grading capstone performance
  • Capstone and ABET accreditation
  • AI in capstone
  • Capstone 101 for new instructors
  • Building student teams
  • International collaboration
  • Managing capstone at scale

Several EduSourced clients like UT Dallas and this year’s host, University of Tennessee Knoxville will be at this year’s conference. Click below to register and be sure to drop by our table to say hello!

Want to do a deep dive on capstone and experiential learning trends? We recommend checking out our 2023 Experiential Learning Benchmark report and webinar. If you would like to learn more about EduSourced, the most widely adopted capstone management platform, fill out the form below and we will get in touch!

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