Experiential Academy

Experiential Learning webinars, trends and community.

Webinar: Experiential Learning Team Building

How to Build Better Student Teams in Experiential Learning

Building Better Experiential Learning Teams Building experiential learning teams is one of the most time-consuming elements of running an EL course. In this webinar, Roger McCarty, the longtime Director of Experiential Learning at BYU, BYU Hawaii, and now Ensign...
The History of Experiential Learning in Higher Education

The History of Experiential Learning in Higher Education

Experiential learning allows students to learn through hands-on experiences, including practical work, internship, volunteer work, and other real-world activities like project-based learning. The approach of experiential learning as been used as an educational...

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4 Years of Experiential Learning Trends & Benchmarking

4 Years of Experiential Learning Trends & Benchmarking

In this session, we unpack Industry-based Experiential Learning trends and best practices as measured in our 2022 benchmark survey. Arline MacCormack of Babson and Allyson Gibson of BYU provide insights and context from on the ground.Subscribe to EduSourced on YouTube...

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What is Work Integrated Learning? WIL Explained

What is Work Integrated Learning? WIL Explained

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is the application of classroom and theory-based learning onto real-world, workplace-based scenarios or projects. WIL is embedded in the school curriculum and has learning goals (as opposed to an unstructured internship) and goes by many...

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2021 Experiential Learning Benchmark Report

2021 Experiential Learning Benchmark Report

Looking for the latest Experiential Learning Benchmark report? Click here. The 2020-2021 academic year had a lot of plans put on hold in Higher Education. Experiential learning programs were no exception. Our 2021 Experiential Learning benchmark report show less...

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EduSourced Product Updates

Smart Match: Automated Student Team Formation

Smart Match: Automated Student Team Formation

What is Smart Match?Smart Match is a new tool within EduSourced TeamBuilder for automatically filling in teams based on desired team size and maximizing student satisfaction! The tool puts the most students on their highest rated projects possible. We know how...

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EduSourced 2023 Product Release Wrap-up

EduSourced 2023 Product Release Wrap-up

2024 is around the corner and to celebrate, we are recapping key product updates from EduSourced this past year. We continue to invest in providing schools the best possible Experiential Learning and Capstone management platform and have a lot more planned for 2024....

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